Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Debate Of The Prostitution Debate - 848 Words
On the other hand, some cities have wised up and are beginning to implement these kinds of rehabilitation programs. For instance, the aforementioned Yvette Brooks-Godley was a college graduate before she became a prostitute. Drugs sent her life into a downward spiral and she didn’t reform her ways until the court system tried something different. She benefitted from a fairly new prostitution diversion program in Chicago, WINGS Court, which manifested from a grassroots campaign by the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless. Consequently, Brooks-Godley received the rehabilitation services that she desperately needed and now she is drug-free, financially independent, and owns a small food company. â€Å"Sometimes all we need is somebody to believe in us when we don’t believe in ourselves,†says Brooks-Godley. In short, the prostitution debate, like so many other issues, tends to be discussed in abstract terms, but her message shows that we need to remember how these p olicies directly affect real people’s lives. Naturally, many people assume, albeit incorrectly, that liberalizing prostitution will result in law and order falling to the wayside. However, this underground market leaves its participants with no legal protections and that makes them a target of thieves, gangs and or pimps who often â€Å"tax†them. The prostitutes who operate independently from these thugs are labelled as â€Å"renegades.†It’s analogous to how independent bookies who operate without ties to organized crime areShow MoreRelatedThe Ethical Debate On Prostitution1734 Words  | 7 PagesThe ethical debate regarding the numerous views on prostitution dates back numerous decades. Prostitution is seen by many as the absolute embodiment of patriarchal male privilege, clearly disallowing feminist support or participation (Kesler, 2002, p. 219). However, views vary widely when assessing different studies such as those that measure the possible harm risks inflected on women working in the field. The re are two main opposing views on this subject matter, the liberal and the feminist. ThoseRead MoreThe Debate Over The Legalization Of Prostitution1551 Words  | 7 Pagesin the world,†prostitution is defined as a criminal act in most of the U.S., except in some rural counties of the state of Nevada. The debates on prostitution are always come with many legal problems, for instance, human trafficking, violence, sexual slavery and the use of children, as well as public health and moral issues. Different from the U.S., prostitution practices a legitimate business in some countries in the world, such as Brazil, Germany and Canada. Thus, the heated debate over the legalizationRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legalized?949 Words  | 4 PagesThe Oxford English Dictionary defines prostitution as â€Å"The practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity for payment†. The argument over whether prostitution should be legalized has been around for many decades. With t he exception of 11 rural counties in Nevada, prostitution is illegal within the United States. However, that may soon change, as more and more countries around the world consider the possibility of legalizing or decriminalizing prostitution. Despite there being an abundance ofRead MoreIs It Wrong For Pay For Sex?844 Words  | 4 PagesWrong To Pay For Sex? The video, Is It Wrong To Pay For Sex, is an hour and a half debate which focuses on the morals and ethics behind paying for sex. In the debate, three experts argued in favor of the motion and three argued against the motion. Prior to the debate, the audience voted 20 percent in favor of the motion while 50 percent voted against it, with 30 percent undecided. However, by the end of the debate, 45 percent voted in favor of the proposition, while 46 percent voted against it,Read MoreMoral Or Immoral ! Should We Legalize Prostitution? Essay952 Words  | 4 PagesMoral or Immoral! Should we legalize prostitution? The analysis of the article; Learning from Nevada from the book The State of Sex. Tourism, Sex and Sin in the New American Heartland. Leads me to write about the social values, and moral values that contradict the acceptance of legalizing Prostitution within the United States. My opinion will be opposing the notion of any support in legalizing such immoral acts that threaten the moral fabric of the United States of America. So the issue is whetherRead MoreA Red Light District on Every Corner Essay1120 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout human history, most civilizations have considered prostitution as an illegal trade, but that does not necessarily mean that making prostitution illegal is the best choice. Many countries including the United States have begun to debate the merit of legalizing prostitution. Before making such an important decision, we must address certain questions. Would legalizing prostitution reduce some of the inequalities and abuse suffered by the men and women invol ved? Would society lose decadesRead MoreProstitution : The Issue Of Prostitution1401 Words  | 6 PagesProstitution â€Å"There is no clear boundary†between voluntary and involuntary prostitution says Janice Raymond of the University of Massachusetts.(341) Prostitution as the society knows the women that sell themselves on the street as, is presented as a debate around the world, whether it be legalized or not. In the article â€Å"Decriminalizing Prostitution†Sarah Glazer reports on the views people have towards prostitution in their cities. Many people have different opinions on this debate such asRead MoreThe introduction of new technological advanced innovations and methods during the Market Revolution1700 Words  | 7 Pagesdeceived and moved from their motherland to work in unfavorable industries with prostitution as the most common jobs for these women. With the incessant growth of the prostitution, the act of participating in promiscuous copulation especially for money, theres an outgoing debate on whether prostitution should be legalized or illegalized. However, peopl e fail to focus on the increasing amount of trafficking and child prostitution aroused by sex tourism. As the world interchanges knowledge, commodities,Read MoreProstitution Is A Big Controversy Around The World1033 Words  | 5 PagesProstitution is a big controversy around the world. Many debate about whether prostitution should be legalised due to the person being old enough to make the right decisions for themselves and for their body. Many choose this career as a way to make a living because they choose its right to. Others on the other hand do not agree. The opposing side say that prostitution should not be legal due to so much violence and abuse that a prostitute goes through. Many do not choose the lifestyle to becomeRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legalized?958 Words  | 4 PagesProstitution is a topic with a lot of controversy. The reason is because it mixes with other themes such as feminism, violence against women, racism, poverty, gender, women’s inequality, trafficking of women, employment, and many more (Armstrong, 1990). Essentially, the topic of prosti tution is so extensive and diverse that even until this day, the issue has caused uproar of concerns in all realms of society, in all nations. Yet, if a focus had to be drawn on this examination with prostitution
Monday, December 16, 2019
Neoplasm Free Essays
A neoplastic growth is called a neoplasm . An abnormal proliferation of cells in a tissue or organ is referred to as Neoplasia meaning new growth in geek language. This research paper takes a brief  look at the definition, characteristics, symptoms, treatment and prevention of neoplasm a new and abnormal growth of tissue, which may be benign or cancerous. We will write a custom essay sample on Neoplasm or any similar topic only for you Order Now Generally  neoplasms form distinct masses, or tumors, but there are also many examples of neoplastic processes which are not grossly apparent, a common example being pre-cancerous lesions of the cervix, however, it is important to note that the term neoplasm is not the same as cancer because neoplasms can be either benign or malignant. It is however,  interesting to note that there is no single complete consensus in the biomedical community as to the exact biological definition of a neoplasm, although a statement credited to R.A. Willis a British oncologist is widely cited: â€Å"A neoplasm is an abnormal mass of tissue, the growth of which exceeds and is uncoordinated with that of the normal tissues, and persists in the same excessive manner after cessation of the stimulus which evoked the change†. Neoplastic tumors often contain more than one type of cell, but their initiation and continued growth is usually dependant on a single population of neoplastic cells which are clonal – that is, they are descended from a single progenitor cell. The neoplastic cells typically bear common genetic or epigenetic abnormalities which are not seen in the non-neoplastic stromal cells and blood-vessel forming cells, whose growth is dependant on molecular stimuli from the neoplastic cells. The demonstration of clonality is now considered by many to be necessary (though not sufficient) to define a cellular proliferation as neoplastic. Symptoms depend on the type and location of the tumor. For example, lung tumors may cause coughing, shortness of breath, or chest pain, while tumors of the colon can cause weight loss, diarrhea, constipation, iron deficiency anemia, and blood in the stool. Some tumors produce no symptoms, but symptoms that often accompany tumors include: Fever, Chills, Night sweats, Weight loss, Loss of appetite, Fatigue, and Malaise Like the symptoms, the signs of tumors vary based on their site and type. When a tumor is found, a biopsy is performed to determine if the tumor is benign or malignant. The biopsy may be a simple procedure or a serious operation depending on the location of the tumor. More recently, positron emission tomography (PET) scans have been used to visualize certain tumors types. Complete blood count (CBC), Blood chemistries,  Biopsy of the tumor , and Chest x-ray are other common tests that can be undergone by patients with malignant neoplasm. Treatment also varies based on the type of tumor, whether it is benign or malignant, and its location. If the tumor is benign (meaning it has no potential to spread) and is located in a â€Å"safe†area where it will not cause symptoms or disturb the proper functioning of the organ, sometimes no treatment is needed. Benign tumors of the brain may be removed because of their location or harmful effect on the surrounding normal brain tissue. Treating malignant neoplasms require surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of these methods. In conclusion it should be noted that the risk of malignant tumors (cancer) can be reduced by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, not smoking or chewing tobacco, avoiding heavy alcohol consumption, maintaining a healthy weight, reducing sun exposure if you burn easily, and minimizing exposure to radiation and toxic chemicals. However, it is advisable that you call your healthcare provider if you notice any suspicious lumps or bumps on your body or if you notice a new or changing mole on your skin. Reference Willis RA, (1952). The Spread of Tumors in the Human Body. London, Butterworth Co. How to cite Neoplasm, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The American Dream By The Kite Runner Essay Example For Students
The American Dream By The Kite Runner Essay It may be hard to imagine a person dropping everything in his or her life, leaving behind many possessions, friends, and family, only to start again in a new country. Imagine a person coming to America with only the clothes on his or her back and whatever that person could carry. If one can overcome these hardships, like many immigrants to America had to experience, and make a name for his or herself, that is experiencing the American Dream. The American Dream, a stereotypical viewpoint of one being able to move to America with nothing and become successful. This success is achieved through a gradual process of an adoption of the American culture by drowning the past and receiving an education for the future. Amir, from The Kite Runner, is no stranger to this viewpoint of America, with conscious acknowledgment of using the country as a way to forget his past sins and form a new life. He states â€Å"That summer of 1983, I graduated from high school at the age of twenty, by far the oldest senior tossing his mortarboard on the football field that day†(Hoesseini 131). The quote shows his knowledge of needing to pursue an education, even in his older age, and his will to pursue a career in creative writing. The cleansing also paves the way for Amir to transform his character and pursue his dreams of writing. Therefore, the concept of the American Dream is prevalent in The Kite Runner by giving Amir a way to drown his past, a way to connect with Baba, and a start to a new future. Amir is no stranger to carrying a secret burden to his heart. In his case, he witnessed Hassan, his best friend (later revealed to be a brother) get raped over a kite. Had Amir attempted to defend Hassan or told someone that the rape had occurred, the conscious. .newfound life to forget of all that has occurred in Kabul. This new land of opportunity also brings Baba and Amir closer, for they need to look out for each other as a way to be successful and survive in the land of the free. Also, with a few books published under his belt and an adopted child to relieve his guilt, Amir is able to continue his future without a need for conflict both internal or external. Amir reflects back to Baba and his immigration at the end of The Kite Runner; â€Å"‘He was, wasn’t he?’ I said, smiling, remembering how after we arrived in the U.S. Baba started grumbling about American flies. †¦ ‘In this country, even flies are pressed for time,’ he’d groan. How I had laighed. I smiled at the memory now†(Hosseini 366). Had Amir not immigrated to America, one would not see a cleansed and stable main character reminiscing about his father at the end.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Water Pollution 2 Essay Research Paper Our free essay sample
Water Pollution 2 Essay, Research Paper Our oceans cover about 75 % of the planet Earth. A distinguishable per centum of our nutrient resources come from these Waterss including fish and workss. The air around us is what keeps the fire of life from melting and wavering out. Why would anyone foul these cherished parts of our ecosystem? Well they are, and pollution Torahs should be strengthened and smartly enforced no affair what the cost. China, a state with an extended seashore line, should work harder to protect its Marine environment. Harmonizing to the subject of the international Year of the Ocean, 1998, oceans are the common heritage of all people, it is hence our duty to protect the oceans for future coevalss. So so why is at that place a large-scale discharge of waste incorporating foods with N and P lending to the violent death of 300 dozenss of fish ( China environment Daily ) . The paper said that a sum of 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Water Pollution 2 Essay Research Paper Our or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 9 billion dozenss of sewerage were discharged into the Waterss at South China s Pearl River oral cavity in 1997, with a rate intervention of less than 10 % . This big sum of discharge of harmful land-sourced substances into the seas has posed a major menace to the marine environment. The current jurisprudence, which simply restricts the concentration of pollutants, is non effectual plenty to vouch a high quality of saltwater. This is an consequence of the statute law missing articles refering the measure of the discharged wastes. The black ruddy tide which hit the coastal Waterss of China s Guangdong Province and Hong Kong between March and April of 1998, is a direct consequence of this lackingness. In August of 1982, China adopted the Law on Marine Environment Protection, which went into consequence March of 83. Regulations such as: Regulations Refering the Prevention Damage to the Marine Environment by Coastal Construction Projects ( 1990 ) , Regulations Refering the Prevention of Pollution Damage to the Marine Environment by Land-based Pollutants ( 1990 ) and Regulations Refering the Dumping of Wastes at Sea ( 1985 ) were all enacted and all have prevented serious harm to saltwater during the past 15 old ages. But who is to state what is considered serious, these pollutants could hold killed off species of marine life yet to be discovered by adult male. What if some now nonextant type of Marine works held the remedy to AIDS or malignant neoplastic disease, world will neer cognize because we are excessively busy dumping our wastes into these environments interrupting the ecosystems. But land-based pollutants are non the lone destructers of adult male that disturb the ecological balance of the sea. Uncontrolled, net income driven sand and crushed rock dredging and digging have damaged Rhizophora mangles and coral reefs, doing every bit harmful effects to the marine ecology as does pollution from waste H2O. The fish genteelness sites in tidal countries and major migration paths are sometimes destroyed by the irrational building of dikes and the uncontrolled reclaiming of land from the sea for edifice development zones. Much of the Waterss surrounding China are besides in contact with Japan, and Japan has a big fishing economic system which is now traveling to be affected by the huge sums of fishes either deceasing off of traveling to cleaner Waterss. An institutional reform is to be under manner, but authorities map have non been clearly defined and the imbrication of different establishments duties still prevents the effectual execution of the jurisprudence. Harmonizing to Liu Nanlai, a senior research chap of the Law Institute from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, to forestall problems from originating during the operatio N of the jurisprudence, a individual governmental establishment to back up the incorporate direction of State Marine protection personal businesss is urgently needed. But while everyone is running about seeking to acquire all the legal personal businesss settled, makers and concerns are still dumping inordinate wastes into our oceans. And I say our oceans because the Waterss China is dumping in is connected to the Waterss that border every other coastline state and finally currents will transport all the wastes around the full Earth. ( Zheng Ying ) Slightly more local is the harm being done to the Gulf of Mexico fishing industry. Detected off the seashores of Louisiana and Texas, the largest of all time gulf dead zone which is said to be so broad, it would stretch from Chicago to Des Moines, said Nancy Rabalais of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, which measured the zone in July of 1999. More than half the N blamed for the job comes from harvest fertilisers, which cause low O degrees in an country of H2O and so becomes vacant of runt and other sea life from spring to early autumn. Farms cover huge balls of the Mississippi River basin, which spreads across 41 % of the United States. The husbandmans in that country are losing $ 400 million a twelvemonth by allowing fertiliser wash down the Mississippi River into the gulf, where it goes to blow and threatens the supports of shrimpers and other fishers, said John Downing, an Iowa State University aquatic ecologist analyzing the issue. Keeping the fertiliser on the cropland would non merely salvage the husbandmans money, but it would protect shrimping involvements in the gulf and assist battle nitrate pollution in Iowa. So why aren T husbandmans cutting their fertiliser usage? Because there is no scientifically identifiable nexus between the husbandmans use of fertiliser and the low-oxygen zones in the gulf. Farmers want the authorities to avoid interrupting the state s immense agricultural economic system, and by turning 24 million estates of cropland into wetlands to assist maintain the N out of rivers would be extremely unprofitable. But the cost of utilizing the fertilisers and to hold them washed into the gulf, could do harm that future coevalss will hold to endure from. If Torahs aren T made stricter for husbandmans and the efficient usage of fertilisers be enforced, other wise the full state could endure. ( Beeman Perry ) Our oceans are traveling to be the one of the things left to future coevalss that will be needed in life. Procedures of desalinization can supply imbibing H2O for those who do non hold a resuviour or a natural beginning still in being. Make you truly desire your great expansive kids drink intoxicated H2O which may hold mutantigenic effects or even cause malignant neoplastic disease, all because our coevals couldn t decently dispose of wastes because at the clip it was more cost efficient to dump them into the ocean. In the long tally it is merely traveling to ache our economic system. It is cheaper to pass a few excess vaulting horses to fling wastes decently, than to lade the oceans up with so much pollution that in the hereafter no sum of money could replace the lost species of marine life and the economical desolation that will be caused to many fishing based life styles. Already states exist in Central America and along the Torrid Zones that because of the deficiency of proper installations, the encompassing H2O is intoxicated and anyone that dares swim in it, is about guaranteed to come out with some kind of virus or illness, do we truly want that in every state of the universe? Ask yourself that following clip you have a piece of rubbish in your manus, do you want to be portion of the job, or portion of the solution.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Nonmetals Definition and Properties
Nonmetals Definition and Properties A nonmetal is simply an element that does not display the properties of a metal. It is not defined by what it is, but by what it is not. It doesnt look metallic, cant be made into a wire, pounded into shape or bent, doesnt conduct heat or electricity well, and doesnt have a high melting or boiling point. The nonmetals are in a minority on the periodic table, mostly located on the right-hand side of the periodic table. The exception is hydrogen, which behaves as a nonmetal at room temperature and pressure and is found on the upper left corner of the periodic table. Under conditions of high pressure, hydrogen is predicted to behave as an alkali metal. Nonmetals on the Periodic Table The nonmetals are located on the upper right side of the periodic table. Nonmetals are separated from metals by a line that cuts diagonally through the region of the periodic table containing elements with partially filled p orbitals. The halogens and noble gases are nonmetals, but the nonmetal element group usually consists of the following elements: hydrogencarbonnitrogenoxygenphosphorussulfurselenium The halogen elements are: fluorinechlorinebromineiodineastatinePossibly element 117 (tennessine), although most scientists think this element will behave as a metalloid. The noble gas elements are: heliumneonargonkryptonxenonradonelement 118 (oganesson). This element is predicted to be a liquid but is still a nonmetal. Properties of Nonmetals Nonmetals have high ionization energies and electronegativities. They are generally poor conductors of heat and electricity. Solid nonmetals are generally brittle, with little or no metallic luster. Most nonmetals have the ability to gain electrons easily. Nonmetals display a wide range of chemical properties and reactivities. Summary of Common Properties High ionization energiesHigh electronegativitiesPoor thermal conductorsPoor electrical conductorsBrittle solids- not malleable or ductileLittle or no metallic lusterGain electrons easilyDull, not metallic-shiny, although they may be colorfulLower melting points and boiling point than the metals Comparing the Metals and Nonmetals The chart below displays a comparison of the physical and chemical properties of the metals and nonmetals. These properties apply to the metals in general (alkali metals, alkaline earth, transition metals, basic metals, lanthanides, actinides) and nonmetals in general (nonmetals, halogens, noble gases). Metals Nonmetals chemical properties easily lose valence electrons easily share or gain valence electrons 1-3 electrons (usually) in the outer shell 4-8 electrons in the outer shell (7 for halogens and 8 for noble gases) form basic oxides form acidic oxides good reducing agents good oxidizing agents have low electronegativity have higher electronegativity physical properties solid at room temperature (except mercury) may be liquid, solid, or gas (noble gases are gases) have metallic luster do not have metallic luster good conductor of heat and electricity poor conductor of heat and electricity typically malleable and ductile usually brittle opaque in a thin sheet transparent in a thin sheet
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Big Secret of ACT Science Its More Reading Than Science
The Big Secret of ACT Science It's More Reading Than Science SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Why is the ACT Science section so scary?When I took it the first time, it was fast paced, had a lot of difficult science terms, and seemed challenging. I think manystudents have a similar experience because the ACT Science section is unlike any other test you've taken, and is so different from the PSAT and SAT. But there's a critical secret to ACT Science - you actually don't need to know much about science to do well. Instead, you need to be able to practice critical reasoning well - this is the fundamental basis for ACT Science! In this article, I'll try to make the ACT Science section less mysterious. Hopefully, by the end of this article, you'll understand that any student can get a 36 on the ACT Science section - no matter what grades you got in your science classes. Do You Need High-Level Science Knowledge to Succeed on ACT Science? While you would think the section would test high-level science knowledge, there is very little actual science knowledge necessary, only around 4 questions out of 40 rely on outside science knowledge. Instead, you need to have reading skills to succeed on the ACT Science section. Huh? But I can't read. Counterintuitive, I know, but the ACT Science section purposely focuses on basic skills. Think about the logic. The ACT is a nationwide test, administered to over a million students every year.Every student takes different levels of science. Some take AP/IB level tests. Others don't even fulfill the high school requirements for basic science courses. Thus, it wouldn’t be fair for the ACTto test AP or IB level Physics, Biology, Chemistry, or Environmental Science knowledge because few peoplein high school cantake all of that science at the advanced level. Thus, ACT Science needs to be a level playing field, nationwide. So what does it actually test? What Reading Skills Does the ACT Science Section Test? I'll discuss the major critical reading skills needed for ACT Science. Once you understand these, you'll see why you'll be able to excel on ACT Science, no matter what your grades were in your science classes. Reading Skill Type #1: Reading Visuals for Scientific Data Mostquestions test your ability to understand scientific data by reading graphs, charts, and other visuals (such as diagrams and scatterplots). To make the test challenging, ACT, Inc.,tests these basic skills of reading visuals in unique ways, using strange graphs that you've never seen before, such as this one below: Yes, this is a real ACT Science section graph. Most of the questions on the ACT Science section can be answered by just reading the visuals.Using only the graph above, solve this problem: Although the graph gives many different pieces ofinformation, ignore all of the extrainformationand just focus on what the question is asking.Does S depend on frequency? Labels are very important.I can find the graphs of S by looking at the top of the graph and seeing where S is labeled. At all of the different values of S, S is graphed as a vertical line. As frequency increases (which happens along the y-axis), the S is unchanged (remains constant). Therefore, the answer is J. Learn aboutthe 3 types of ACT Science Passages for more information about this strategy. Reading Skill Type #2: Skimming For the questions you can’t answer using the visuals, you'll be able to answer them by reading the passage. The only questions you will not be able to answer with visuals or the passage are the 4 previous knowledge questions that I mentionedearlier. The ACT Science section tries to make the passage more difficult by throwing in large scientific terms.Don't be afraid of them. The ACTtypically either explainswhat the words mean, orit is not necessary to know what the words mean to answer the question. The passage below has big terms like acid-base titration and nitrazine, yet we will easily solve a question from the passage. With only 35 minutes to answer 40 questions (52.5 seconds per question), you cannot afford to waste time reading the entire passage. I recommend going directly tothe questions. Try to answer the questions first by reading visuals. Then, if you're really stuck, try to skim the passage to answer the question. If you don't like this strategy, you can start by skimming the passage and then answering questions, but you do not have the luxury of leisurely reading the entire passage. Check out the passage and question below: To the answer this question, you need to start by looking at Figure 2 for Experiment 2. Be sure to look at the right data, make sure you are looking at Experiment 2 Figure 2, not Experiment 1 Figure 1. Otherwise, you could end up with the wrong answer. At 0.2 mL of titrant added, the color was yellow. At 1.8 mL of titrant added, the color was blue, so you can eliminate B and D. However, you don’t know what the difference between yellow and blue means in terms of pH, so you need to skim.You only need this sentence from the very end of the introduction to find the final answer. So, according to the passage, blue means greater pH than yellow, so the answer is A. You can now see how skimming can quickly lead you to the correct answer, but is skimming always the best approach to answering ACT Science questions? Exception to Skimming Rule The only exception to the skimming rule is on the Conflicting Viewpoints Passage. (See our article on the 3 types of ACT Science Passages for an in-depth summary of Conflicting Viewpoints Passages).There is only 1 Conflicting Viewpoint Passage per test (out of a total of 7 Science passages).This passage has no visuals, only words. You need to read the entire passage. You need to figure out how the two scientists, students, or theories differ in opinion. After reading this passage, you should be able to discern that Scientist 1 thinks the object was a comet while Scientist 2 thinks the object was an asteroid. To answer question 12, you must have read the entire passage, includingthe introduction.If you read the introduction, you know it says the object was between 10 and 100 m in diameter. If comets are much larger than 100 m in diameter, then the object could not have been a comet. That would definitely weaken Scientist 1’s argument that the object was a comet.So, the answer is G. But the main point, again, is this - you don't need to know anything about the science underlying this passage. You need to read effectively and employ critical reasoning. Side note: the introductions in ACT Science passages often hold nuggets of gold because the ACT Science test makers realize most students are likely to skip it. Don't miss out! Conflicting Viewpoints Passages test your reading comprehension ability, very similar to the passages in the Reading section.Be sure to pay close attention when reading Conflicting Viewpoints passages.So, if you were freaking out about ACT Science, take a breather. You can get a C in Biology and still do well on ACT Science. But that doesn't mean you don't have to work hard and practice. How Do You Improve These Reading Skills To Do Well on ACT Science? Suggestion #1: Reading Science Journals and Articles Since the ACT Science Passages are similar, it'll give you a leg up since you'll already be familiar with reading this type of passage.You'll be more familiar with the scientific method and looking at scientific data. I recommend Science Daily. Itis a free science news source, and the articles are very easy to understand. Check out this article abouta study onpeanut allergies. I recommend reading their articles as well as the original journal article (which they link to at the bottom of their articles). While Science Daily does not use many visuals on their site, the journal articles typically have unique graphs and visuals. Such as this one from the peanut allergy study: When reading the Science Daily articles, you should ask yourself questions as a test. In particular, run through these questions: What is the main point of the experiment? What was the hypothesis? How were the experiments supposed to validate the hypothesis? When looking at the visuals in the related journal articles, what is being depicted? This is how scientific research works, and this is what ACT Science expects you to be able to decipher. Suggestion #2: Do Well in Your Science Classes While your classes will likely be more challenging than the actual ACT science section, they'll also help you become more familiar with the scientific method and looking at scientific data. Review ACT Science while you take science classes. The more basic science terms you know, the easier the ACT Science section will be and the faster you will be able to answer questions. Suggestion #3: Practice As I said before, the Science section is more about reading graphs and tables,so you need to drill this skill.Also, the Science is one of the most time sensitive sections of the test.With only 5 minutes per passage and less than 1 minute per question, no matter how well you understand the material, you need practice.Find good study material. Check out these recommended books.Check out PrepScholar’s program.PrepScholar breaks down each section into the skills you need to master, then gives you focused practice on each skill. This way you work on your weaknesses, whether that's interpreting data or understanding the basis for experiments. What's Next? I hope understanding this brings you a big sigh of relief. You DON'T have to be a science expert to do well on ACT Science. But you DO need to know exactly how ACT Science tests you, and you need to know how to practice to excel at it. Learnthe 3 types of ACT Science passages, the only actual science you need to know for the ACT Science section, what's tested on ACT Science, andthe best way to read ACT Science passages. Like this article? Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Sciencelesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Climat change and sustainable development in Saudi Arabia Essay
Climat change and sustainable development in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example Deforestation increases the global warming further by destroying the natural equilibrium existing in the planet. Middle-east countries are the major sources of fuel oil to the world. The industrial development in these countries and rise in income levels of the people has increased the emission of greenhouse gases significantly during the recent years. Saudi Arabia, the largest country with more population in this region, is a leading exporter of oil. While the oil exporting countries have the rights to exploit the natural resources, the world community expects them to contribute significantly for combating global warming. This paper seeks to study the role of Saudi Arabia in reducing pollution within the country and combating climate change. This paper also focuses on the various policy measures adopted by Saudi Arabia with respect to the international negotiations on Climate Change in combating climate change. The Saudi Arabian government is headed by the King who is helped by the Council of Ministers. The government is assisted by legislative body, Consultative Council. The country is divided by thirteen provinces headed by the governors. The judicial system in the country is based on Islamic law. â€Å"In October 2003, the cabinet approved procedures for the election of half of the members of the municipal councils, as a start towards greater participation of the citizens in the governing of their country.†1 General Environmental Law and Rules for Implementation of the government envisages precautions, measures, methods and environmental standards to be adopted in relation to environmental protection along with the General Environmental Regulations and Rules for implementation in the country. Casey 2 reported â€Å"The Middle East and North Africa will be especially hard hit by climate change in the coming decades, the World Bank said in a report Wednesday, saying
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Governments Various Macroeconomic Objectives and Their Importance to Assignment
Governments Various Macroeconomic Objectives and Their Importance to UK Economy - Assignment Example The growth could be affected by external or internal factors to form variations in spending that either exceed or support the production of an economy. From such, the downturn and peaks in economies may be exhibited over time. The UK government has opted to promote economic growth with reasonable measures to prevent future negative effects. In the UK, economic growth is a crucial factor that determines the availability of funds for public expenditure, minimising tax burdens, and servicing government debt (The long game, n.d.). For most governments, economic growth comes with the creation of new jobs as more investments are made, which provide employment opportunities, contribute to the growth of domestic product, and support in eradicating poverty levels. At a higher level, the nation associated with the growth achieves more respect in the world community and increases its ability to solve its internal economic problems, support its citizens and maintain its pride as a nation. It is also a measure of determining whether the economic target is being realised. The disadvantage is that economic growth may be steered without appropriate measures to preserve the environment and the resources. In some cases, the growth has been realised unsustainably, excessively exploiting the natural resources and degrading the environment, which reduces the production capacity of future generations (Everett, 2010). These natural assets should be maintained to sustain growth in the long run. Low inflation Every inflation has a cost in the long run, after the sustained growth in the overall price level. Economists of most countries strive to maintain inflation in their countries, but since it is an inevitable factor, the best economies aim to achieve low inflation... The researcher states that every nation tpday aims at achieving steady economic growth. It appears to be a common and prioritised objective of most developing countries to improve the living standards of the countries’ population. It is a policy that is concerned with increasing the national output through an increase in goods and services generated, which are factors that enable improvements in living standards of masses in a country. The technology and innovation were mentioned in the study as the latest trend in economies, that is aimed to achieve production efficiency, allowing operating systems and automation to speed up and increase productivity and quality that would take human labour ages to complete. The researcher suggests that enhancing technology in different sectors of productivity could bring about a product or process innovation, which leads to efficiency in the long run. However, production efficiency requires investment and funds. Governments have to be willin g to fund research and development for the creation and realisation of new ideas to improve productivity and support its efficiency, improve human capabilities, know where to invest next, and allocate resources to avoid inefficiency in the future. The researcher then concluds that the objective concurs with the United Kingdom’s long term objective in improving labour productivity and capital investment, that hopefully would increase production efficiency and competition in trade within the European market.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity Essay Example for Free
Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity Essay The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases (KMT) is an explanation and description of the motion and behavior of molecules. It looks into the kinematics of molecules, wherein focus on the forces exists between molecules and the energy generated by the motion of these molecules (Poseidon Software and Invention, 1997). Etymologically, the KMT comes from â€Å"kinetic†which means moving, and â€Å"molecular†which comes from the root word molecule, classically the smallest unit of particle. The KMT includes several postulates which describe how the molecules of gases behave. The following are characteristics of how gas molecules behave: (1) Gases are composed of very small particles called molecules; (2) the molecules are very large in number; (3) they are perfectly spherical in shape and elastic in nature; (4) their volume is negligible which implies that they can move freely (Dogra, 1984); (4) the average distance between molecules is relatively large as compared to their size (Kotz, et al. , 2008); (5) they behave in a state of constant, random motion following Newton’s Laws (Selvaratnam, 1998); (6) they move in a straight line until they â€Å"collide with another [particle or with] the walls of the container†(Whitley, 2005, n. p. ). (7) the collisions of the gas molecules with other particles or with the walls of the container are perfectly elastic such that the total kinetic energy after the collision is equal to the total kinetic energy before the collision; (8) there are no attractive or repulsive forces between the molecules, and only during collisions do the particles exert forces on each other (Wulfsberg, 2000); (9) there is no energy lost during the collisions; energy is conserved; and (10) the average kinetic energy of the particles depends on the temperature of the system. These postulates can be further illustrated in terms of the interpretation of the temperature and pressure of a gas. Temperature, being a macroscopic characteristic of matter, is â€Å"interpreted in terms of the kinetic energy of the molecules†(Selvaratnam, 1998, p. 183). There is a directly proportional relationship between the temperature and the kinetic energy of the molecules of a gas. This means that an increase in temperature causes a similar increase in the kinetic energy or rapid movement of the molecules. â€Å"The hotter the gas is, the faster its particles move†(Whitley, 2005, n. p. ). Pressure, on the other hand, is â€Å"due to the incessant bombardment of the walls of the container vessel by the billions and billions of molecules present†(Selvaratnam, 1998, p. 183). This only means that if more collisions occur, the pressure is higher. The individual gas laws could be put into perspective in relation to the KMT. According to Boyle’s Law, â€Å"at constant number of moles and temperature, pressure and volume are inversely proportional†(Whitley, 2005, n. p. ). Charle’s Law, on the other hand, states that â€Å"at constant number of moles and pressure, the volume and the temperature are directly proportional†(Whitley, 2005, n. p. ). A third Gas Law consists of the theory that â€Å"at constant number of moles and pressure, the volume and the temperature are directly proportional†(Whitley, 2005, n. p. ). These individual gas laws, if combined, would produce an â€Å"ideal†gas. In relation to the motion of the molecules, the molecular activities in the three states of matter differ in several aspects. In the solid state, the particles are packed in a more closely manner. They are held closely to one another by their attractive forces (Poseidon Software and Invention, 1997). These strong, attractive forces between the particles cause them not to move freely and instead, vibrate. This feature results in a definite shape and volume of solids. In the liquid state, the intermolecular forces only permit the particles to flow or glide over one another. As compared to solid, the motion of the molecules is more random. The shape and volume of a liquid is dependent on its container. The intermolecular forces are also essential in understanding the dissolution of things. In the dissolving process, the molecules of the solute are surrounded by the molecules of the solvent. Here, â€Å"molecular bonds between molecules of solute have to be broken and molecular bonds of the solvent also have to be disrupted†(Educating Online, 2007, n. p. ). References Blauch, D. N. (2001). Kinetic Molecular Theory. Retrieved March 6, 2009 from http://www. chm. davidson. edu/chemistryapplets/kineticmoleculartheory/BasicConcepts. html. Dogra, S. (1984). Physical Chemistry through Problems. India: New Age International. Educating Online. (2007). Solubility of things. Retrieved March 6, 2009 fromhttp://www. solubilityofthings. com/basics/why_things_dissolve. php Kotz, J. C. , Treichel, P. Weaver. (2008). Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity. U. S. : Cengage Learning EMEA Poseidon Software and Invention. (1997, November 16). Kinetic Molecular Theory. Retrieved March 6, 2009 from http://www.psinvention. com/kinetic. htm. Selvaratnam, M. (1998). A Guided Approach to Learning Chemistry. South Africa: Juta and Company Limited. The Kinetic Molecular Theory. (2009). Bodner Research Web. Retrieved March 6, 2009 from http://chemed. chem. purdue. edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch4/kinetic4. html. Whitley, K. (2005, May 13). Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases. Retrieved March 6, 2009 from http://www. chemprofessor. com/kmt. htm. Wulfsberg, G. (2000). Inorganic Chemistry. U. S. :University Science Books.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
REVERSIBLE BONDED STRAIN GAGE :: essays research papers
ABSTRACT For accurately measuring thermal strains, particularly on large structures where welded strain gages cannot be used, a reversible bonded strain gage was developed. Basically it is a special polyimide strain gage which is same on both the base side and cover side so that it can be used both ways. It can be used to measure strains at temperatures under 250oC (482oF) of a structure made of aluminum alloys or composites (to which its difficult to weld a strain gage).These gages can be can be peeled after taking required apparent strain measurements in a furnace and can be attached reverse side up at a required point on a structure. To measure mechanical stresses on structures at high temperatures it is essential to measure apparent thermal stresses accurately in the first place. In practice, several strain gages in a pack are used to obtain calibration data. The apparent strain and gage factor change of all the gages in the pack are assumed to be same which is not so in practice, in spit e of great efforts to reduce scatter of apparent strain. Since reversible strain gages can be reattached to the test structure after taking apparent strain readings, the error caused due to apparent strain scatter (by using different strain gages) can be reduced to great extent. In this paper the thermal characteristics of the reversible strain gage – repeatability of apparent strain, gage-factor change, creep, drift and the output for a given mechanical strain – were investigated. INTRODUCTION There are several problems associated with elevated temperature measurements, static or dynamic, the basic one being that alloys useful as strain gages at these temperatures are also excellent temperature sensors. Firstly, installation of the strain gage is a problem and secondly the apparent strain and change in gage factor makes it very difficult to measure the actual strain. In aerospace industry we come across a lot of situations when very accurate strain measurements at high temperatures are required, but in spite of a lot of improvement in new high temperature strain gages most of them are welded types. Hence, they cannot be used on materials like aluminum alloys or composites. In this paper, a reversible bonded strain gage is described for use at temperatures under 250o (482oF) that can be applied to a structure made of materials commonly used in aerospace industry like aluminum alloys and various composites. Aircraft wings are often subjected to high temperature and high acou stic noise level and the application of reversible strain gages to accurately measure the stresses is the main motivation behind choosing this paper for review.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Educating Special Needs Students Essay
This essay is entitled Educating Special Needs Students, the author will discuss and several important issues, which will be the following; the defining of Mental Retardation a term the author despises, Autism, Severe Disabilities and Multiple Disabilities, also their causes, and the impact of these disabilities have on the education of students with Mental Retardation. In addition to the above mentioned, the essay will identify areas of curriculum, necessary for students with severe disabilities and will explain why. Addressed also will be the following; using the authors’ local school district, Las Vegas Nevada, an investigation into the policies, procedures, and programs for the education, of students with Mental Retardation, Autism, and or Severe Multiple Disabilities. Lastly, an explanation of how these policies, programs, and procedures, either address or ignore the area of curriculum, the author has listed within the content of the essay. According to the Association for Retarded Citizens or (AAMR), Mental Retardation is defined as; a disability characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills. Though its causes can be attributed to a variable amount of many things, here are just a few of known caused medical factors; Genetic conditions, which have been the results from abnormalities of genes inherited from one or both parents, errors when genes combine, or from other disorders of the genes caused during pregnancy by infections, overexposure to x-rays and other factors. Problems during pregnancy, some of these problems, in the opinion of the author, are definitely avoidable such as; the use of alcohol or drugs by the pregnant mother which can cause mental retardation. Other problems exist too such as, Malnutrition, rubella, glandular disorders and diabetes, and cytomegalovirus. Many of these types of illnesses can be traced back to the mother and often times in the early trimester of the pregnancy. Another of hese causes is Poverty and cultural deprivation, in which children in poor families may become mentally retarded because of malnutrition, disease-producing conditions, and inadequate medical care. This brings us to one of â€Å"the most†controversial topics of late; â€Å"Autism†. It is defined as; a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships, a mental condition in which fantasy dominates over reality, as a symptom of schizophrenia and other disorde rs. The causes of this disability are still up for debate however, the Autism Society of America (ASA) defines it as the following; â€Å"Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain, impacting development in the areas of social interaction and communication skills. The causes of this disability are attributed to the following; Depakote, also called Valproate, an anti-seizure medication, taken during pregnancy, Fragile X syndrome, a genetic disorder, Rett syndrome, a genetic disorder affecting only females, Tuberous sclerosis, a rare genetic disorder and Prader-Willi syndrome, a rare genetic disorder. Lastly defined are Severe Disabilities and Multiple Disabilities, those who traditionally have been labeled, as having severe to profound cognitive impairments or intellectual disabilities. It is difficult to define this term precisely because, during the authors’ research, there is no one clear definition that; covers all the conditions that special educators and psychologists know about this disability. So, what is the impact of disabilities on the education of students with mental retardation? Well compared to their peers, most students with severe and multiple disabilities learn more slowly, forget more readily, and experience problems generalizing skills from situation to situation. This makes educating students with this particular disability more challenging and often times harder to manage. â€Å"The public education of these students must start early and continue at some level throughout life. Second, all students typically need speech and language intervention, while many others will need physical and occupational therapy. Students with sensory impairments may need interpreters and mobility trainers, while some with medical needs may require nursing services or supervision. Third, because the educational teams of students are often large, close collaboration between members is essential if their expertise is to result in improved student functioning. The benefits of integrating therapy into natural activities are now being widely accepted over the traditional practice of isolated, or pull-out, therapy. †The essay will now turn its focus to the attention of identifying areas of curriculum, necessary for students with severe disabilities and will explain why. To begin, the Handicapped Children’s Act of 1975, federal emphasis shifted from curriculum development to preparing and implementing individualized educational programs for students with disabilities (Meyen, 1996). Why, because in the opinion of the author, every student in every state deserves to have the best available education the Department of Education has out there also, with the use of modern technology there is no obstacle to hard to overcome. The following statement illustrates the authors’ point. Students with complex healthcare issues, significant developmental delays, and severe multiple disabilities require approaches that offer intensive levels of support. Students who are blind, deaf, deaf-blind, and autistic may in some cases require the same degree of support, but they also require more specialized curriculum and teaching approaches (in, for example, technology and literacy). Additionally, such students may require specialized resources from related service providers (such as orientation and mobility instructors or audiologists). the National Center on Accessible Instructional Material. In the conclusion of this essay, using the authors’ local school district, Las Vegas Nevada, an investigation into the policies, procedures, and programs for the education, of students with Mental Retardation, Autism, and or Severe Multiple Disabilities, and an explanation of how these policies, programs, and procedures, either address or ignore the area of curriculum, the author has listed within the content of the essay. According to Charlene Green, a teacher in the Nevada Clark County School district, she’s seen the number of children with autism spectrum disorders in her charge increase from 96 to more than 1,000. Green, the associate superintendent for student support services in the Las Vegas-area district, oversees those children’s education–an expensive, complicated task. Moreover she says, â€Å"The school system was at a nadir in dealing with the needs of its autistic children and their parents. We were being bombarded with due process requests,†she says, by parents who sought legal recourse against a school system they believed wasn’t providing the necessary education for their children, as schools are required to do under the 1990 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). †Educating students with Mental Retardation; While the author has lived in the city of Las Vegas for over eight years now, there is no clear Policy, nor procedure in which the author could find to answer this question, to his surprise the list below was researched and readily available; Las Vegas, Nevada Courses – Regis University-Colorado college †¦ Special needs jobs in Las Vegas, NV | careerjet. com, Special education jobs in Las Vegas, NV | careerjet. com and this list just goes on from here. But under the Department of Education in Nevada it reads as follows; Nevada Department of Education Office of Special Education, Elementary and Secondary Education, and School Improvement Programs; Under federal and state law, each student with a disability is entitled to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). Special education programs in Nevada serve students with identified disabilities in one of the twelve categories established in Nevada Revised Statutes, Chapter 388. School districts must provide the services necessary to assure FAPE for all students with disabilities, without regard to the adequacy of state revenues to support the costs. In closing and in the opinion of the author, â€Å"we†, this means everyone who works in the educational industry as a Teacher, Principle, or Administrator, must focus on all available data to, not only include but, to educate every student no matter what the disability.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
People at Work Essay
There are many styles of management that produces different kinds of results. If not done right, it would either be too much or too little, bringing out effects such as being less creative, however efficient or being more creative but less efficient. Wanting to bring out the best of our employees, innovation in management tends to analyze workforce who are also more adept to technical innovations and easy practical solutions. In a generation with ever changing attitudes who are attuned to the trends of society, it is also a must that old management styles are being updated and innovated. Philips Cooke (2006) described innovation in its simplest form as the transformation of new creative ideas into new goods and services. It is not only focused on products and new technological gadgets, innovation are also most effective when applied to management. With innovative management applied in a company, results can be seen in effectiveness, production, excellence, spirited positioning, and market share. This is why, in management innovation, Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient (EQ) has now become a very critical factor in the workplace and top management today because more than just smart heads and high IQ people, companies and businesses today takes more than just desks, ledgers, machines and materials to make a business work. More than anything else, businesses need people. People are needed to make a company grow, people who are working together, not necessarily on the same department or in the same building, but people pulling together so that the organization operates efficiently and can continue running the business. But sometimes, people are being funny or uncooperative. They do not pull or group together, and sometimes fail to manage their full share of load. Thus, the question now is, how will we know that our managers possessed the ability of being a leader? Does he know how to properly handle people? Does he know how to develop new ideas and implement it effectively? How will we know in the first place that we have the manager we are looking for, or how can we develop such? Literature Review Globalization had brought out a steep competition for the market of goods and services everyday and it is management innovation that brings forth key factors for company’s future survival. (Cooke. P, 2006) According to Kira Fabrizio (2006), the world is currently entirely driven by technology. Additionally business existence routines are transforming rapidly. All the same, proper innovation management skills will always guarantee future survival of any given organization for a company or a firm cannot operate smoothly if not managed properly. Due to tough competition, companies always aim to satisfy customers by producing quality products and services. Chesbrough (2006), Simcoe. T, (2006) and Allen, & L. D. Evans. (1997) argued that for an innovation to be a success, correct discharge of the creative ideas already born is critical in any organization. As a matter of fact the creativity emanating from an employee and/or from a team of employees forms the basis for innovation. A successful innovation can not be attained by the Production of creative ideas alone but by correct implementation of those creative ideas to bring about new or improved product and/or service within the organization. For creative ideas to be generated there must be a room to try out the ideas emanating from the creative employees. This is usually achieved in a loose and flexible environment. Innovative work does not well with rules used for routine handling of an organization however these rules are supported by theory and practice. The efficiency of day to day within an organization requires stable routine (Sunbo & F. Gallouj, 2000). This is usually achieved in a stable controlled environment. The trick is to have a management that balances the factors that allow creativity while at the same time promoting effective operations of the organization (Utterback, M. 1994). Innovation normally occurs through a management system that allows for combination of many diverse players within any particular organization. (West, J, 2006). The player may include among others managers, supervisors, technicians, employees, and consultants. Research on social networks involved in the development of innovation process points out that successful innovation normally occurs near or at the primary interface of an organization and manufacturer. With these, O’Connor (2006) said that innovation process requires the inputs of all personnel of a particular company that is from the top executives to subordinate staffs. It may also require the expertise of a consultant who is normally outsourced. Existing Management Innovations Innovative approaches are assessed based on its impact upon its profitability. Through implementing strategic management approaches in ones company, the need for customer satisfaction will be met, not only locally but world wide. Currently, there are many innovative approaches to management, which needs top management support to be implemented properly. The new ISO 9000:2000 standards promote the adoption of a process approach when devising, implementing and improving a quality management system (QMS). PCL – Petts Consulting Ltd) This model of a quality management system approach acknowledge the facts that quality results are achieved by producing a company manual, complete with work procedures and work instructions, proper recording and keeping of quality records and tracking of inputs and outputs. The HACCP (Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points) System is a systematic approach to the identification, assessment of risk and severity, and control of biological, chemical and physical hazards associated with a particular food production process or practice. When speaking of HACCP, it is always associated with food safety. By using and by being certified with this system, the customers of the company are always assured of the safe processing of food. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society. (Baker, 2006) It is the balance between the companies performance in terms of products and services to satisfy its market, on how the company manage ,treats and train its workers, on how the company shows its concern to its environment and on how it shows concern to the surrounding community. Low Morale due to Ineffective Management These are few of management innovations that are putting a company ahead of others. Today, companies encountered dilemmas such that too much management which ceased to innovate, thus, bringing out to little or no impact or improvements to a company at all. The problem here is that, businesses need more efficient people, have an environment to let innovative people flourish, however, it wont be effective if management does not have the skills and abilities to develop new ideas effectively. Thus, the question now is, how will we know that our managers possessed the ability of being a leader? Does he know how to properly handle people? Does he know how to develop new ideas and implement it effectively? How will we know in the first place that we have the manager we are looking for, or how can we develop such? The management should be flexible enough to absorb the views of all stakeholders. Management is not always willing to accept new ideas. Most managers always want to remain in a comfortable zone. Too much management, which is commonly found in large organization, should understand innovative people. Modern executives’ definition of efficiency is operating business which can supply their customers with better products or services at lowered cost. Modern executives are forever asking questions which is more concerned in productivity and efficiency rather than employees self regard and self esteem. â€Å"How are we doing? †, â€Å"Is production going up? †, â€Å"Sales up? †, â€Å"Costs going down? †are just few of executives questions about efficiency clearly showing the classic ways of hierarchal management systems. This results to low self-esteem which has a very strong relationship with morale. The loss of self-confidence or a feeling of discouragement may also be caused by frustration, which in turn causes mental efficiency and creativity to be lowered. This situation was experienced by Oracle. Ashby and Miles (2002) cited Oracle who was facing crisis in June 1992. Its culture â€Å"win at any cost, the end always justify the means†caused low morale and its effects on day-to-day operations was out of control since employees no longer pay attention to rules either internally or with customers. Applying EQ for Effective Management Innovations Change of management structure especially for large businesses to accommodate innovation is very critical for an organization to remain competitive (Tidd, J et al 1997). The management system in place should be flexible enough to create room for creative ideas. The management should easily adapt to changes brought about by trends in technologies and human issues. The organization needs to be loose and flexible enough to allow room for creative new ideas. A tight management system hinders creativity. Management should also motivate employees by rewarding not only success but also failure. This is because you cannot produce good ideas without bad ones (Maguire, 1994). Further for innovation to be successful there is a need for key personnel who are primarily concerned with the development of new product or services. The complexity of the procedures and levels involved in the production of a new product can impact negatively on the success of an innovation. (Fabrizio. K, 2006) For the success of an innovation the key is to delegate a few personnel on that activity, as too many people are less innovative compared to a few people. The virtuous circle can also impact negatively on the development of an innovation. It follows the following steps such as organization reputation for innovation, attraction of creative people, organizational need for creativity and innovation, development of innovation product, willingness within the organization to accept new ideas, motivation of people within organization to reduce frustration, high morale and protection of creative people (Henry et al: 1991). This means that if one the above listed steps is missed then innovation would not be established. So if we ask, why is there a need to apply Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in management innovations? This is because Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is now more important and useful especially in businesses. It tends to analyze and identify why people do what they do, think as they do and think as they do; with their abilities, motives, disappointments, ambitions, queer streaks. The successful business person is almost always efficiency minded through and through whether he is the boss or not. He keeps a close eye on the efficiency, and the personal efficiency of those working with him. According to Herrera (2006) IQ is quickly losing ground to EQ when it comes to predicting success. Moreover, supervisors and executives are generally rated on still more EQ qualities such as winning cooperation, handling people, suitable use of language and accepting suggestions and criticisms. This proves that the higher the position you can attain the higher EQ qualities, tests and evaluation that you have passed. An employee with more promotional possibilities shows high EQ for higher executives take on more social responsibilities at each step on the way up. According to Bradberry, T. & Greaves, J. (2005a), 16 hours of work can make a person feel 465 emotions in a day with (2005b) 90% top performers tested to have high EQ and only 20% high EQ individuals being rated as low performers. Rather than IQ, companies and corporations now opt for high EQ individuals to work for them. This is because, high EQ employees are more productive, and have great job performance and good leaders. High EQ employees and leaders are worker-centered which had higher producing work groups. And as we all know, companies aims for high productions at low cost and less turnovers. Conclusion Management systems have a significant effect on the innovation process. A tight management system normally hinders creativity because it does not allow employees to express and generate innovative ideas. All the same for small organizations suppressed management approaches can increase abilities to innovate through less formal management structures facilitating rapid decision-making, which is facilitated by having to communicate the changes to members of the organization. For innovation process to be a success there should be a â€Å"slack†element in the management Structure. To balance between effective running of an organization and creativity the management should know what is best for routine work and what is best for innovative work. And with this, management innovation and creativity is best improved by applying EQ tools. Today, EQ ratings are almost always taken with high importance in a company. During a company’s periodic reviews of individual efficiency, the boss, supervisor or head of the company watch work ways and attitudes of employees. According to Laird and Laird (1979) employees are rated according to desirable qualities or social characteristics such as cooperation, communication and appearance. This shows that individual efficiency is not based on high IQ but rather based on the qualities of high EQ. Production is also influenced by the friendly interaction of members of a work group. An employee’s level of EQ is tied in with friendliness because it shapes its interaction of people towards each other. High EQ of employees encourage warm and friendly atmosphere in the work place. On the other hand, employees with low EQ will be cold and aloof towards its co-workers. This will hinder the productivity of a worker with low EQ and increase the rate of absenteeism, thus, absenteeism is an outcome of an employee with low EQ. With this, managers will think that unnecessary absence from work shows irresponsibility. The human emotions shape the interactions of people to each other. With the types of people in one company, considering warm or friendly and cold or aloof, those employees with high EQ will stand out and be more productive than the others.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
20 Ways to Spend a College New Years Eve
20 Ways to Spend a College New Years Eve New Years Eve in college can be fun and exciting as well as challenging, as many students are away from campus and their usual college friends. Theres no need to let your college New Years Eve go to waste, however. Check out these ideas for keeping things fresh, fun, and funky. 20 Ways to Spend Your College New Years Eve Hang out at home with your high school/hometown friends. If youre spending the winter break home with your parents, head out with your friends. You can reminisce about years past and celebrate your enduring friendships.Head to Vegas. Because really, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. There are some great deals to be had and great parties to attend, not to mention the 24-hour gambling.Head to New York City. Never seen the official ball drop in Times Square? Grab some friends and head to NYC for an everyone-should-see-it-at-least-once experience.Go camping. If you need a break from the chaos of your everyday life, head out into the wilderness. You can ring in the new year beneath a blanket of stars.Plan a romantic dinner with your significant other. You can go out or cook something together at home. Add two candles and as a bonus, have someone to smooch as the new year arrives.Head to a fun club with a crazy band youve never heard of. Step outside of your comfort zone, grab some fri ends and do something funky. Do something back at school. The residence halls may be closed, but many students are still living in their Greek houses or in off-campus apartments. Plan something away from campus that still allows you to celebrate with your college friends.Line up and camp out for a football game. Head to a bowl game where you can camp out the night before with other fans. When else will you be able to do so, except for during your college years?Volunteer. Look for something in your community. Go on an outdoor trip and work on trail maintenance. Head to another country. There are plenty of volunteering options that will take you into the year with good will.Head out somewhere fun with your high school and your college friends. Why not blend the best of both worlds?Go somewhere swanky. Think much, much fancier than youre used to. Head somewhere swanky and opt for an evening of elegance.Host a costume or theme party. And do so with style, too. How about the 1920s, anyone?Rent a cabin in the woods. I t can be with your high school friends, your college friends, your significant other or everyone. Hang out at a ski resort. If you ski, you can hit the slopes. And if you dont, you can curl up with hot chocolate and enjoy the scenery. Whats not to like?Go backpacking or hiking. Head out for a midnight hike (with at least one other person, of course) to ring in the new year in a unique and exhilarating way.Go on a skydiving or bungee-jumping trip. Some places offer multi-day excursions. Make your new year one to remember!Spend time with your family. The longer youre away at school, the less time you have to spend with your family. Take a break from the college scene and enjoy the evening with your family instead.Spend the evening writing or journaling. Some folks reflect and process things best when they write things out. Take the night to yourself and write to your hearts content.Host a creative New Years Eve party. Set up supplies (or have your guests bring their own) and create an atmosphere of creative energy for people to paint, sculpt, write music, or create other works of a rt. Spend a quiet night in and get some sleep! Catch up on two of the most sacred resources for many college students: time and sleep. Celebrate your year by indulging in both.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
SAT Subject Test Dates Guide (2015 and 2016)
SAT Subject Test Dates Guide (2015 and 2016) SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips We have all the information you need about SAT Subject Test (also known as SAT II) dates in 2015 and 2016. While the SAT Reasoning Test (aka the SAT I)changed dramatically in 2016, the Subject Tests didn't have any large changes in terms of content. The exam dates of the SAT Subject Tests, however, were affected. Read on to find out more! Note: This guide covers 2015-16 only; for the current year's SAT Subject Test dates, click here. SAT Subject Test Dates in 2015 and 2016 First, get familiar with the dates when the SAT Subject Test is offered. The SAT Subject Test is generally administered every time the SAT Reasoning test is, except in March (when, historically, the SAT Subject test has not been offered). You can also look at our SAT Reasoning Test Dates for 2015-2016 here. Test Date Regular Deadline Late Registration Online Score Release October 3, 2015 September 3, 2015 September 22, 2015 October 22, 2015 November 7, 2015 October 9, 2015 October 27, 2015 November 26, 2015 December 5, 2015 November 5, 2015 November 23, 2015 December 24, 2015 January 23, 2016 December 28, 2015 January 12, 2016 February 11, 2016 May 7, 2016 April 8, 2016 April 26, 2016 May 26, 2016 June 4, 2016 May 5, 2016 May 25, 2016 June 23, 2016 Which SAT Subjects Will Be Given on Which Dates? Note that not all subjects are given on all dates. We did a historical analysis over a long period of years and found that the following subjects generally given on all dates. Available All Dates: Literature, United States (US) History, Math Level 1, Math Level 2, Biology E/M, Chemistry, Physics. Two Languages are given on almost all dates. Available All Dates Except November: French Reading Only, Spanish, Reading Only. Finally, a few subjects such as theremaining languages and World History are given on a minority of dates. You can do your own analysis based on the 2014 and 2013 dates yourself. Test Name Oct 3,2015 Nov 7, 2015 Dec 5, 2015 Jan 23, 2016 May 7, 2016 June 4,2016 Literature YES YES YES YES YES YES United States History YES YES YES YES YES YES World History YES YES Math Level 1 YES YES YES YES YES YES Math Level 2 YES YES YES YES YES YES Biology E/M YES YES YES YES YES YES Chemistry YES YES YES YES YES YES Physics YES YES YES YES YES YES Languages: Reading Only French YES YES YES YES YES German YES Modern Hebrew YES Italian YES YES Latin YES YES Spanish YES YES YES YES YES Languages:Reading and Listening Chinese YES French YES German YES Japanese YES Korean YES Spanish YES Chart Locations without a YES are assumed to be NO. How to Plan Which SAT Subject Test Dates to Choose First, I would recommend our general guide to choosing SAT test dates. Yes, it's written for the SAT Reasoning Test (SAT I) but the general principles also apply to the SAT subject tests. There is one additional twist for SAT Subject Tests much more than the SAT itself, the best Subject Test dates are strongly determined by when you're learning and forgetting the material. Unlike the SAT Reasoning Test, where you're probably getting better at reasoning year by year, the SAT Subject Test should be taken during or right after when you're studying the highest level of the subject. For example, if your high school does biology sophomoreyear, and you know you won't study biology again, you probably want to take the June exam of biology, or the September exam at latest. Forgetting information is a real problem! Likewise, if you're taking chemistry junior year, but AP Chemistry senior year, you want to time your SAT Chemistry as late as possible senior year (likely the December of your senior year). Therefore, a good rule of thumb is to take the test as close to the end of your most difficult course in that subject! Warning: SAT Test Dates May ChangeSign up to Receive Free Updates // What's Next? Click here to see the full list of SAT Subject Tests and learn how to choose which tests are best for you. Before you decide when to take your Subject Tests, you should look at our list of colleges that require SAT Subject Tests. If you're trying to avoid difficult SAT Subject Tests, check out this article on the easiest SAT Subject Tests. Need a little extra help prepping for your Subject Tests? We have the industry's leading SAT Subject Test prep programs (for all non-language Subject Tests). Built by Harvard grads and SAT Subject Test full or 99th %ile scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so that you get the most effective prep possible. Learn more about our Subject Test products below:
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Commercialized Sport Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Commercialized Sport - Essay Example In the current developing world, commercialization of sports is a prevalent activity that has employed a large number of people. This is a considerable employment opportunity just like any other employment opportunity in to the sectors of the economy. There are some ethical issues that are involved in the commercialization of sports in the Midwest state university. First of all, commercialization of sports in the institution will jeopardize the educational activities that are in the school. With the commercialization of sports in the institution, some of the educational activities like lecturers, educational debates and exhibitions. Commercialization of the sports will only dwell on the physical activities that are involved in commercial sports. Therefore, the students will have lesser time scheduled for their educational activities. They will only be compelled to participate in the ball games and other commercial activities. In the end, the students will reflect a redundant performance in their education. Secondly, there are some students in learning institutions that do not have an interest in commercialized sports (French, 27). They are inclined to their education and have an interest in ensuring they have a better performance through their education. In actual sense, some students have low regards for sports. Therefore, increasing the participation time for commercialized sports is likely to reflect a disadvantage to such students. Lastly, there is a social issue that involves attaining cash in early stages of life. Some students may emerge to have talents in the stated sports (Morgan, 51-55). The stake holders and controllers of such sports may jeopardize the learning of such student s and introduce them to more professional and commercialized sports. In the end, the students will drop out of school. Before getting on this particular project, there are a number of people that should certify the event.
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